01 November 2018

Law Reform Blog. Ask the judiciary? Now’s your chance.



PLA Law Reform 2018 Panel Event – Wednesday, 31 October

The PLA’s Law Reform Committee look forward to seeing you at tomorrow’s Ask the Judiciary Panel Event where our President Liz Peace will be grilling an illustrious panel of judges on the critical question: are our courts and tribunals actually a good place to conduct property litigation?




Have you ever wondered:

–   Should property litigation get special treatment, given how much of it there is?
–   Has the introduction of the Business and Property Courts made any difference, or is it just a branding exercise?
–   Where do all those court fees go, and should we be getting a better service?
–   Should we be putting more work into the County Court, or less?
–   Is the Property Chamber the answer to everything?
–   What’s the role of technology in all this?
–   We’ve had the disclosure and 1954 Act pilots; what else is around the corner?
–   Should we give up on the courts and all resort to ADR instead?

If so, then now’s your chance to ask these and any other burning questions you might have.

Our truly incredible panel is made up of Sir Geoffrey Vos, Chancellor of the High Court; Chief Master Matthew Marsh; HHJ Marc Dight of the County Court at Central London; and Judge Siobhan McGrath, President of the Property Chamber. It’s Chatham House Rules so we are expecting some full and frank answers from our panellists, and a unique opportunity to get real insights from those in the know.

The event is taking place at Hogan Lovells, Atlantic House, Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2FG on Wednesday 31 October 2018, starting at 6pm.  There are drinks afterwards for networking and carrying on the debate. There are a few seats left so not too late to book.

If you have any questions that you would like to submit in advance, then please send them along to: lawreform@pla.org.uk. Otherwise, we’ll be taking questions from the floor on the night.  Don’t hold back!

All the best,

Mathew Ditchburn
Chair of the Law Reform Committee