06 April 2023
Property litigators call for a ‘streamlined’ Landlord and Tenant Act

Following the PLA's recent member survey on the Reform of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 a number of articles have been published in the industry press:
EG Property Podcasts - Streamlining for business growth: the Property Litigation Association view on 1954 Act reform a podcast interview with PLA Chair, Dellah Gilbert, Vice Chair, Mark Reading and Chair of the Law Reform Committee, Paul Tonkin
EG article - PLA Law Reform Committee Chair, Paul Tonkin, draws conclusions from the survey to highlight areas where the Law Commission may make reforms
EG article - Property litigators call for a ‘streamlined’ Landlord and Tenant Act
CoStar – Industry Survey on Commercial Leases Lays Out Where Government Must Act
BE News – Landlord and Tenant Act needs “streamlining”, survey finds