Education & Training Resources
Presentations and papers from and recordings of PLA training events and seminars. In connection with all education and training materials on the PLA website, please note the disclaimer found in the Information footer at the bottom of this page.
Autumn Training Day – Summary Possession Orders – Current Practical & Legal Issues
11th Nov 2015
The ability to apply to the Court for a summary order for possession pursuant to CPR Part 55 against “persons unknown” is a well-known and established procedure. It is intended to provide a quick and easy scheme for a landowner to recover possession of property from unwanted and unauthorised occupiers. Nevertheless, the urgent circumstances in which such orders have often been obtained may not have been the best of contexts for the development of a clear and consistent body of jurisprudence or guidance on this important summary procedureRead article -
Autumn Training Day – The Forme of a very perfect Lease (1543)
11th Nov 2015
What can a sixteenth century lease teach us about twenty-first century landlord and tenant problems?Read article -
Bristol Seminar – Tenant’s Pre-emption Rights & Mixed Use Developments
17th Sep 2015
Much like London buses, cases on particular property law issues often come in clusters. This summer it was the turn of relief from forfeiture the principles of which were considered by the Court of Appeal on no less than three occasions in Magnic v Ul-Hassan and anor [2015] EWCA Civ 224, Safin (Fursecroft) Limited v Badrig [2015] EWCA Civ 739 and Freifeld v West Kensington Court Limited [2015] EWCA Civ 806. This paper considers where those decisions have taken us and tentatively questions whether that is a good place for us to be.Read article -
Bristol Seminar – Rent Review – Top ten cases of all time
16th Sep 2015
A list of the top ten cases of all timeRead article -
PLA South Coast Event – Relief from Forfeiture – Magnic, Safin, Freifeld
16th Sep 2015
Much like London buses, cases on particular property law issues often come in clusters. This summer it was the turn of relief from forfeiture the principles of which were considered by the Court of Appeal on no less than three occasions in Magnic v Ul-Hassan and anor [2015] EWCA Civ 224, Safin (Fursecroft) Limited v Badrig [2015] EWCA Civ 739 and Freifeld v West Kensington Court Limited [2015] EWCA Civ 806. This paper considers where those decisions have taken us and tentatively questions whether that is a good place for us to be.Read article -
Leeds & Manchester Seminars – Rights of Light Workshop – The Problem
16th Sep 2015
“Erebus Developments” has built a six-storey development. On the other side of the road, there are three residential houses.Read article -
Leeds & Manchester Seminars – Break Clauses – An Update
16th Sep 2015
The need for strict compliance with conditions for exercise of a break clause.Read article -
Leeds Seminar - Issues arising with mixed use premises
28th Mar 2015
Mixed use is most certainly in vogue. We constantly read about new gleaming mixed use developments where developers have residential properties usually situated above offices, shops, restaurants or even hotels. In many respects this is nothing new and is a return to the pre Victorian way we lived. There was over the past 150 years a steady separation between commercial and residential areas and thus a division between such developments. But the pressures of population growth and the reluctance to develop in greenfield sites has led to a rapidly changing development world. The centres of our cities are now once again places in which to live.Read article -
Annual Conference – How to deliver a great speaker presentation
27th Mar 2015
Discretion sits at the heart of all his client relationships. These include senior politicians in the UK and Europe, CEOs of FTSE 100 companies, world champions and high-level administrators from the world of sport, top-ranking people at NGOs across the globe, and many leaders of tomorrow.Read article -
Annual Conference – sale contracts – are you in or are you out?
27th Mar 2015
In an ever changing market proposed property sales frequently become the subject of disputes, whether by those seeking to withdraw from a deal or those seeking to enforce it. This seminar will explore some of the interesting issues that might arise in such disputes with reference to recent cases.Read article