22 November 2023

PLA Annual General Meeting 2023

PLA Annual General Meeting 2023

The PLA Annual General Meeting 2023 was held on 22 November 2023 at 6.45pm at Ironmongers’ Hall Shaftesbury Place, Barbican, London EC2Y 8AA. 

The following members were elected/re-elected:

Chair: Mark Reading
Vice Chair: Rebecca Campbell
Hon Treasurer: Lindsey Whittle
Hon Secretary: Rebecca Campbell
Chair of Law Reform Committee: Paul Tonkin
Chair of Education and Training Committee: Kate Andrews
Chair of Regions Committee: Paul Barker
Chair of Website and Marketing Committee: Tim Reid
Chair of Junior PLA Committee: Rachael Studman
Chair of Wellbeing Committee: Frances Richardson
Chair of EDI Committee: Chhavie Kapoor

  1. Minutes of AGM
  2. Approved amended Articles of Association
  3. Approved accounts
  4. Reports from PLA committees