Blogs from PLA Executive and other PLA members
Blog from the JPLA, New checklists for junior members
19th Mar 2018
We are fast approaching that time of year when newly qualified vacancies are released and we are looking forward to welcoming new junior members to the Association. With that in mind the JPLA Committee have given some thought to how we can best help our junior members in their roles through providing know-how aimed specifically at our more junior members.Read article -
Blog from Mathew Ditchburn, Chair of the Law Reform Committee
12th Mar 2018
This is my first blog as chair of LRC. I joined the committee in 2011. Back then, all the talk was about “hot tubbing” and whether the Dilapidations Protocol would ever be adopted into the Civil Procedure Rules. Fast forward seven years and I find myself taking over the reins from Kerry Glanville, who I would like to thank for such a fabulous contribution as chair and dedicated membership of LRC before that.Read article -
Blog from Patrick Wetherall, South West and South Wales PLA Chair
12th Mar 2018
One challenge for the committee is to try and broaden the reach beyond Bristol. Experience tells us that it can be difficult to muster sufficient numbers for events in say Cardiff or Exeter but again any thoughts here are welcome. In any event, we will hopefully be able to arrange video links for the April 26 event.Read article -
Blog from Paul Barker, Resolutions from the Regions
18th Jan 2018
We have seen an increase in our overall membership and with around 60% of PLA members permanently based outside London, it’s great to see a busy and successful calendar of training and social events across all our regions.Read article -
Happy New Year from Georgina Redsell – Chair of the Junior PLA
18th Jan 2018
January can be a dark time - both literally and metaphorically. It is a time for trying to curb that sugar habit that you acquired over Christmas and fighting your way through the newcomers to make it to the squat rack at the gym. However, it is also a time for reflecting on the past year and making plans and getting excited about the year ahead. So I thought that I would do exactly that in this first blog post!Read article -
Blog from Gary Lawrenson, Privacy Policy and Lexology
12th Jan 2018
If the proverb that “a good beginning makes a good end” is correct, then it bodes well for a productive year for your Website & Marketing Committee (WMC). I am delighted to kick-off 2018 by welcoming a new sub-committee member, Tim Reid (Hogan Lovells), and confirming a new partnership between the PLA and Lexology.Read article -
Blog from Martin Edwards, New Year, New Changes, New Challenges
04th Jan 2018
As we start 2018 I can’t help thinking that there’s never been a better time to be a property litigator.Read article -
Blog from the outgoing Chair – Keith Conway – November 2016
09th Nov 2017
It is 8 months since my last Blog and others/committee chairs have since blogged.Read article -
Blog from the outgoing Chair of the PLA – Alison Hardy
09th Nov 2017
As I hand over to Martin Edwards and the new Executive Committee at this evening’s AGM, I am delighted to say that the PLA continues to go from strength to strength. It has been an honour to be Chair of this fantastic Association, full of bright, charming and entertaining individuals, and to work closely with many related organisations.Read article -
Blog from the Education and Training Committee – October 2016
10th Oct 2017
We are looking forward to welcoming delegates to the PLA’s Autumn Training Day on 3 November 2016 at The Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London. Once again, the Autumn Training Day has nearly sold out.Read article